

Logo for Great Brook Logo featuring a sketched of the gallery building in black line art.
Out for a Sail

Out for a Sail

Oil Painting

Size: 8 inches by 12 inches



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John C Traynor painting plein air

Artist and New Jersey native, John C. Traynor celebrates a 40+year career at an on going Show at  Great Brook Gallery, 17 Village Road, New Vernon, New Jersey

John is a New Jersey native who grew up in Chester and Mendham, New Jersey where he began drawing and painting. He focused on art while he attended Delbarton School in Morristown and graduated in 1979.

He continued his studies at Paier College of Art, Connecticut and the Art Students League of New York City. After returning from advanced studies in Italy, John began his career selling his paintings at outdoor art shows in New Jersey. Very shortly galleries started to show his work. Currently, galleries across the country represent his works.

Throughout his career, Mr. Traynor has traveled extensively and brings back paintings that find homes across the country. He is represented in in many collections. His paintings include landscape, still life and figurative works. All of these paintings have a recognizable style.

He has received many awards including “The Bronze Medal of Honor” from the Salmagundi Club of New York City. In addition, Mr. Traynor was inducted into the “Hall of Honor” at Delbarton School.

Mr. Traynor’s work will be featured through the New Year and available through the Gallery.  Workshops in Plein Air Painting are arranged periodically throughout the year.

For further information contact Great Brook Gallery: 973-804-6521